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Tuesday, 19 April 2011 | By: Brunette

Nutrastart - lose that KGs away..


Life is one hectic routine with so many things to do and so little time to do them all. Every minute counts. For a quick meal that will keep you going, count on NutraStart. NutraStart is made with Non-genetically Organism (Non-GMO) ingredients and natural chocolate flavouring. It provides dietary fiber and protein composite for wellness support. NutraStart can also be consume as an in-between meal snack.

is a wholesome drink that contains (per serving)
#245 calories
#100mg Transfer Factor E-XF
#6 grams of dietary fiber
#18 grams of protein from both  soy and whey               

What Makes This Product so Unique?
  • a combination of protein, fiber, Transfer Factor E-XF, 12 vitamins and 6 minerals help to support overall well-being.
  • Transfer Factor are tiny messenger molecules that transfer Mother Nature's natural response information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant.
  • Made with Non-Genetically Organism (Non-GMO) ingredients and natural chocolate flavoring.
  • IFANCA Halal Certified

NUTRASTART contains 22 vital nutrients :

1) Transfer Factor E-XF (TF E-EX) : Transfer Factor are tiny messenger molecules thats transfer Mother Nature's natural response information from one entity to another. Transfer actor E-XF molecules are from bovine (cow) colostrums and chicken yolks, combined for a broad range of support.

2) Soy Protein & 3) Whey Protein : helps build and repair body tissues, essential for growth and development. Taking 25g of soy protein a day helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

4) Soy Fiber : Helps improve laxation.

5) Sodium : Helps maintain normal muscle contraction or relaxation. Helps maintain normal flud balance in the body.

6) Calcium

7) Magnesium : Promotes calcium absorption and utilization.

8) Zinc : Essential for normal growth and development.

9) Iron : Helps in the formation of red blood cells.

10) Copper : Helps in the formation of red blood cells. Helps to convert proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy.

11) Vitamin A : Helps to maintain normal growth, vision and tissue development. Aids in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrane.

12) Biotin : Helps to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

13) Thiamine (Vitamin B1) : Helps maintain normal growth. Helps body metabolize carbohydrates into energy.

14) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) : Helps the body utilize energy from food and to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy.

15) Niacin (Vitamin B3) : Helps normal growth ad development and helps the body to release energy from food. 

16) Pantothenate (Vitamin B5) : Helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

17) Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) : Helps the body metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

18) Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) : Essential for growth and division of cells, including red blood cells.

19) Vitamin B12 : Needed for the formation of red blood cells.

20) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) : For healthy bones, teeth, and gums.

21) Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) : Helps body to utilize calcium and phosphorus for normal development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. 

22) D-alpha Tocopheryl (Vitamin E) : Protects fats in the body from oxidation by free radicals.

Enjoying NutraStart   

@ Add 2 scoops of NutraStart in the shaker.
@ Fill the shaker with 240ml water.
@ Tighten the lid.
@ Shake well until smooth, drink immediately. 

NutraStart Banana-O-Choc Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240 ml cold water
~ 1 medium size banana
~ 1 tablespoon pure honey
~ 1/2 cup chopped almonds.

Blend all ingredients together. For refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

NutraStart Mocha Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240 ml cold water
~ 1-2 teaspoon instant coffee powder
~ 1 tablespoon pure honey

Blend all ingredients together. For a refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

NutraStart Energy Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240ml cold water.
~ 1-2 scoops ice cream (eg: vanilla, peppermint or coffee flavor).
~ 1/2 cup chopped almonds.

Blend all ingredients together. For refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

Activity Pyramid

Don't you wanna lose some weight? Like them.

How to order NutraStart

1 canister = RM160.80

Combo 1 ( 2 x NutraStart + 2 x 4Life TTF Advance Formula + 1 x Tea4Life ) = RM672.00

Combo 2 (6 x NutraStart ) = RM822.00

Combo 3 (2 x NutraStart ) = RM288.00

for ordering and further info
e-mail me at
facebook : Dae Lucrii
skype : ladyrainbowwand