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Tuesday, 19 April 2011 | By: Brunette

Nutrastart - lose that KGs away..


Life is one hectic routine with so many things to do and so little time to do them all. Every minute counts. For a quick meal that will keep you going, count on NutraStart. NutraStart is made with Non-genetically Organism (Non-GMO) ingredients and natural chocolate flavouring. It provides dietary fiber and protein composite for wellness support. NutraStart can also be consume as an in-between meal snack.

is a wholesome drink that contains (per serving)
#245 calories
#100mg Transfer Factor E-XF
#6 grams of dietary fiber
#18 grams of protein from both  soy and whey               

What Makes This Product so Unique?
  • a combination of protein, fiber, Transfer Factor E-XF, 12 vitamins and 6 minerals help to support overall well-being.
  • Transfer Factor are tiny messenger molecules that transfer Mother Nature's natural response information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant.
  • Made with Non-Genetically Organism (Non-GMO) ingredients and natural chocolate flavoring.
  • IFANCA Halal Certified

NUTRASTART contains 22 vital nutrients :

1) Transfer Factor E-XF (TF E-EX) : Transfer Factor are tiny messenger molecules thats transfer Mother Nature's natural response information from one entity to another. Transfer actor E-XF molecules are from bovine (cow) colostrums and chicken yolks, combined for a broad range of support.

2) Soy Protein & 3) Whey Protein : helps build and repair body tissues, essential for growth and development. Taking 25g of soy protein a day helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

4) Soy Fiber : Helps improve laxation.

5) Sodium : Helps maintain normal muscle contraction or relaxation. Helps maintain normal flud balance in the body.

6) Calcium

7) Magnesium : Promotes calcium absorption and utilization.

8) Zinc : Essential for normal growth and development.

9) Iron : Helps in the formation of red blood cells.

10) Copper : Helps in the formation of red blood cells. Helps to convert proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy.

11) Vitamin A : Helps to maintain normal growth, vision and tissue development. Aids in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrane.

12) Biotin : Helps to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

13) Thiamine (Vitamin B1) : Helps maintain normal growth. Helps body metabolize carbohydrates into energy.

14) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) : Helps the body utilize energy from food and to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy.

15) Niacin (Vitamin B3) : Helps normal growth ad development and helps the body to release energy from food. 

16) Pantothenate (Vitamin B5) : Helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates.

17) Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) : Helps the body metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

18) Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) : Essential for growth and division of cells, including red blood cells.

19) Vitamin B12 : Needed for the formation of red blood cells.

20) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) : For healthy bones, teeth, and gums.

21) Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) : Helps body to utilize calcium and phosphorus for normal development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. 

22) D-alpha Tocopheryl (Vitamin E) : Protects fats in the body from oxidation by free radicals.

Enjoying NutraStart   

@ Add 2 scoops of NutraStart in the shaker.
@ Fill the shaker with 240ml water.
@ Tighten the lid.
@ Shake well until smooth, drink immediately. 

NutraStart Banana-O-Choc Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240 ml cold water
~ 1 medium size banana
~ 1 tablespoon pure honey
~ 1/2 cup chopped almonds.

Blend all ingredients together. For refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

NutraStart Mocha Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240 ml cold water
~ 1-2 teaspoon instant coffee powder
~ 1 tablespoon pure honey

Blend all ingredients together. For a refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

NutraStart Energy Smoothie

~ 2 scoops NutraStart in 240ml cold water.
~ 1-2 scoops ice cream (eg: vanilla, peppermint or coffee flavor).
~ 1/2 cup chopped almonds.

Blend all ingredients together. For refreshing experience, add crushed ice into the blend.

Activity Pyramid

Don't you wanna lose some weight? Like them.

How to order NutraStart

1 canister = RM160.80

Combo 1 ( 2 x NutraStart + 2 x 4Life TTF Advance Formula + 1 x Tea4Life ) = RM672.00

Combo 2 (6 x NutraStart ) = RM822.00

Combo 3 (2 x NutraStart ) = RM288.00

for ordering and further info
e-mail me at
facebook : Dae Lucrii
skype : ladyrainbowwand
Wednesday, 13 April 2011 | By: Brunette

Balance Your Immune, Save Your Money

Half of all health dollars wasted! Immune balance could help.

A PriceWaterhouseCoopers study from 2008 showed that half of the $2.2 trillion(now $2.64 trillion) spent on health care in the U.S. arewasted dollars! Waste how??
In addition to insurance and hospital administrative bureaucracy, the biggest culprit is unnecessary testing  done by doctors for patients in order to reduce malpractice lawsuit risk.  Surprise, surprise. The over-aggressive testing, of course, leads to higher claims amounts, which leads to higher health insurance premiums, which then leads to more uninsureds who, when they need care, burden hospitals with their uninsured (and unpaid) costs, which leads to higher hospital pricing, which leads to higher premiums, which….enough!
That makes me think if newborns and infants could start out their lives with finely tuned, efficiently performing immune systems, what kind of impact could that have on health care costs? How many redundant tests could be avoided if kids didn’t show up in doctor’s offices 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 times a years for ear infections or URTI episodes? How many antibiotic prescriptions, both legitimate and placebo, could be eliminated? How many family members who easily get infected by their kids or their kids’ playmates could avoid doctors’ visits and their own dubious prescriptions if they and the kids had better functioning immune systems?
How many allergy or asthma episodes could be scaled back significantly if young children had healthy, balanced immune response that didn’t over-react, as is the case with allergic reactions? And if moms’ diets and lifestyles were immune-friendly to their fetus during pregnancy, how many babies would have a head start on good health?  Oh, the possibilities. I’ll bet we could save another 50%.

for more informations n booking:
email me at :
facebook : Dae Lucrii
skype : Layrainbowwand
visit me at

Be Your Own Boss

Yes, its not impossible to be your own boss.. You just need to be wise and know how to. 4Life easy payplan makes it possible for you to be your own boss. How?

  • Learn about the amazing benefits of Transfer Factor™, and our group of products.
  • Read all the different testimonials, see our products, and look at the research behind them.
  • See our unique and unprecedented compensation planSee our unique and unprecedented compensation plan.
  • Decide if you want to use Transfer Factor™ to optimize your own immune system, or if you indeed see the value of sharing this information.
  • Share the informations you've gathered with other people. 
  • Now that you have decided that you do want to be your own boss and to join our 4life team, feel free to leave comment. I will be glad to contact you when you're ready to start.
For further informations on the products and the payplan
e-mail me at
facebook : Dae Lucrii
skype : ladyrainbowwand

Friday, 8 April 2011 | By: Brunette

Get Inspired - Philadelphia 2012

2012 International Convention

Thats right people, GET INSPIRED cause 4Life International Convention is coming. And its not for long before the time comes. You will be so impressed with the enthusiasm shown by 4Life incredible distributors from 55 countries around the world. 

4Life  already planning for the next international convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—a city known for independence and brotherly love. What better qualities to describe what  4Life distributors represent and offer to the world?

The powerful thing about convention isn’t just an announcement about a cutting-edge new product or great training from 4Life top leaders. As wonderful as those things are, what really makes convention a life-changing experience can’t be understood from a simple post-convention summary. What makes convention memorable are the shared feelings the distributors experience when we are together, and those will touch us forever.

It’s been said that when people witness or go through a moving experience, a bond is formed between them, even if they are strangers. A bond was definitely forged between everyone who attended convention. You'll see how 4Life’s Service mission is doing good all over the world by fighting childhood hunger and homelessness. You'll feel united as we heard our leaders share personal stories of overcoming obstacles to realize their dreams. And, you will all reminded that we truly have access to the most extraordinary products in the marketplace.


for more info, e-mail me at
facebook : Dae Lucrii

Monday, 28 March 2011 | By: Brunette

CheckMeOut: The Products

CheckMeOut: The Products: "4Life TF Plus Advance RM278.40

4Life TF Chewable Advance Formula (Citrus Cream) RM207.60

4Life TF Advance Formula RM202.80